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Digital education and information resources for refugees

h t t p s : / / h o c h s c h u l f o r u m d i g i t a l i s i e r u n g . d e / d e / b l o g / h o c h s c h u l f o r u m - d i g i t a l i s i e r u n g / d i g i t a l - e d u c a t i o n - a n d - i n f o r m a t i o n - r e s o u r c e s - r e f u g e e sExterner Link

Digital teaching and learning programmes can be instrumental in helping to inform refugees and to allowing them to gain qualifications. New possibilities for networking and assisting learners are now available, particularly since these are not limited to any specific place or time. Below, you will find an overview that we have put together of the different programmes on offer. These range from informative websites to studies at higher education institutions and from interactive language courses to supervised online study preparation. The programmes are geared towards both refugees and people who are active in this area and who act as multipliers with this material.


Educational possibilities, Refugee,

Language German; English; Arabic
Last modified 30.05.2018

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