Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement
Some parts of this website are not yet accessible.
The DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education provides this website. We strive to ensure compliance of this service with national regulations concerning enactment of the EU Directive EU 2016/2102 by the European Parliament and Council. DIPF is located in the state of Hesse in the Federal Republic of Germany. Therefore, the Hesse directive on accessibility of information technology - Hessische Verordnung über barrierefreie Informationstechnik as of September 16, 2019 - is applicable.
This accessibility statement applies to and respective mobile applications as well as to Different ways of access and use were taken into account when designing the websites.
State of compliance with requirements
This website does not fully meet the requirements stated in the relevant directive, Hessische Verordnung über barrierefreie Informationstechnik as of September 16, 2019.
Inaccessible contents
Some parts of this website are not yet accessible.
For the German language version, we received support for texts in easy-to-read language from Wetterauer Büro für Leichte Sprache. A German sign language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache) translation was delivered by Kompetenzzentrum für Gebärdensprache und Gestik (SignGes) at RWTH Aachen. There are currently no English language descriptions of the navigation and contents of the website in sign language and easy-to-read language.
In some parts of our website, we use the terminology and style our users can expect, for instance due to their academic background. Regardless, we endeavor to use clear, comprehensible language.
The German Education Server is a metaserver with the main purpose of guiding users to interesting web services in the field of education. Therefore, users might find links to external sites that are not fully accessible, e.g. pdf files. While the editors are not responsible for such external contents, they are committed to making the service as accessible as possible.
Date of Accessibility Statement
This statement was written on September 10, 2020. It was last checked on September 16, 2020.
Feedback and Contact
Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for improving the accessible use of our website?
Please email
You can also use our feedback form to report any accessibility issue.
Our postal address is:
DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
Deutscher Bildungsserver
Rostocker Str. 6
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Are you not satisfied with our response to your questions, ideas or suggestions for improvement? You are welcome to contact the commissioner for accessible information technology in the state of Hesse (Landesbeauftragte für barrierefreie IT des Landes Hessen).
Prof. Dr. Erdmuthe Meyer zu Bexten
Regierungspräsidium Gießen
Neue Bäue 2
35390 Gießen
Tel: +49 641 303-2901
Fax.: +49 611 32764 4036