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Basic Structure of the Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - Diagram

h t t p s : / / w w w . k m k . o r g / f i l e a d m i n / D a t e i e n / p d f / D o k u m e n t a t i o n / e n _ 2 0 2 3 . p d fExterner Link

The download (pdf file) shows an annotated diagram of the German education system (pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education). Furthermore, the document contains a glossary of German educational degrees and their English language explanation.
Also available as printed leaflet.

Document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)


Germany, Education system, Graphs, School system,

Language French
Contact Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Last modified 18.12.2023

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