Compulsory education in Germany (school system)

English language resources concerning school education in Germany, with a focus on official documents explaining primary and secondary school education in Germany.
Please note that education at this level is subject to 16 federal states, and the structure of particularly secondary education might vary considerably.
The school system in Germany
Make it in Germany is an information portal that targets immigrants seeking employment in Germany, it also provides basic information about the German school system. Find out how to enrol your child in the German school system!
document from: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
Basic Structure of the Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - Diagram
The download (pdf file) shows an annotated diagram of the German education system (pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education). Furthermore, the document contains a glossary of German educational degrees and their English language explanation. Also available as printed leaflet.
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-files
The dossier provides a comprehensive overview of the German education system, including political and economic background, covering all levels of education from pre-primary to secondary, higher and continuing education. Furthermore, the evaluation of teachers and institutions is addressed, and special sections cover special needs education and the European dimension. The English language dossier can be accessed [...]
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-files: Read more
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany - PDF-filesReport a broken link
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany: Primary education
This excerpt from the KMK publication on the education system in the Federal Republic of Germany takes the primary school sector into focus. The legal and administrative framework of primary school education is outlined, particular emphasis lies on reform political aspects. These concern full day schooling, the implementation of standards, collaboration with parents and the introduction of foreign language [...]
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany: Primary education: Read more
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany: Primary educationReport a broken link
The Education System in the Federal Republic of Germany: Secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education
Secondary education breaks down into lower secondary level (Sekundarstufe I), which comprises the courses of education from grades 5/7 to 9/10 of school, and upper secondary level (Sekundarstufe II), which comprises all the courses of education that build on the foundations laid in the lower secondary level. Secondary level education includes courses offering general education, a combination of general and [...]
document from: Ständige Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KMK)
Facts about Germany: schools and universities
'Facts about Germany' provides information on the German education system, and is intended for international readers. Its focus lies on the ongoing reform process of the German education system, particularly with regard to internationalisation.
Education by federal state
In Germany, the 16 federal states have far-reaching autonomy regarding the school system and in recent years many of them have published information in English or other languages (Arabic for example). Therefore, it is always worthwhile to check the state portals for brochures or leaflets in other languages. Especially the secondary school systems offer diverse tracks while primary schools generally last four years. The federal government provides additional funding, for example for digital equipment.
Education in Berlin - English language information
The Senate of Berlin, a federal state in Germany, provides information about the education system and educational pathways in English.
document from: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Berlin
Education in Berlin - English language information: Read more
Education in Berlin - English language informationReport a broken link
The school system in Hamburg
Basic information about the education systeminGermany,which is structured according to 16 federal states,with a focus on thecity state Hamburg and its specificities.
The school system in NRW – an English language brochure
A brochure about the school system in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia for immigrants.
document from: Ministerium für Schule und Bildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
The school system in NRW – an English language brochure: Read more
The school system in NRW – an English language brochureReport a broken link
Education in Rhineland-Palatinate
An overview of school education in Germany focusing on the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.
A quick and easy guide to the school system in Thuringia
A brochure that explains the school system in Thuringia in several languages, with charts..
document from: Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport
A quick and easy guide to the school system in Thuringia: Read more
A quick and easy guide to the school system in ThuringiaReport a broken link
Handbook Germany: information portal for migrants
Information for migrants who have newly arrived in Germany, covering aspects such as asylum seeking procedure, work permit, school system - by federal state - and childcare, living and learning German. The website is a project funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees- and edited by volunteers.