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Migration and integration

The following pages provide you with a small choice of articles on migration and integration in an educational context. The articles cover the years 2004 to 2009. You can find more and up to date literature on the German Educational Portal.
In 2015, we furthermore published a dossier on Refugee Education in an International Perspective.

"Literature examining immigrants' educational disadvantage across countries focuses generally on average differences in educational outcomes between immigrants and natives disguising thereby that immigrants are a highly heterogeneous group. The aim of this paper is to examine educational inequalities among immigrants in eight high immigration countries: Australia, Canada, [...]

"This paper analyses the (self-)selection of migrants between countries which have substantial differences in the inequality of earnings and income levels. In an extended version of the Roy-model we consider migration costs, which tend to grow less than proportional with the income level. As a consequence, migrants can be favourably self-selected although the inequality of [...]

Der Bericht analysiert "Daten aus PISA 2003 zu Bildungserträgen unter anderem im Hinblick auf die Frage, wie gut Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund im Alter von 15 Jahren in wichtigen Schulfächern [vor allem in den Bereichen Mathematik und Lesekompetenz, aber auch in Naturwissenschaften und in Bezug auf Problemlösungsfähigkeiten] abschneiden, wie sie sich [...]

"Immigration pressures are increasing in most OECD countries. This paper investigates the consequences of immigration for natives labour market outcomes, as well as issues linked to immigrants integration in the host country labour market. Changes in the share of immigrants in the labour force may have a distributive impact on natives wages, and a temporary impact on [...]

The OECD Thematic Review on Migrant Education will focus on the education outcomes of children of immigrants, with an emphasis on ‘schools’ (pre-school, primary school, and secondary school), while noting that the process of integration is multi-directional, interactive, and non-linear. The main overarching policy question of the project is: What policies will [...]

"The purpose of this article is to evaluate the importance of social class, migration background and command of national languages for the PISA school performance of teenagers living in European countries (France, Finland, Germany, United Kingdom, and Sweden) and traditional countries of immigration (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US). Econometric results show that the [...]

Dieses Heft beinhaltet eine Reihe von Beiträgen, die den Zusammenhang von Sprache und Migration aus sprachwissenschaftlicher Sicht thematisieren. ... Der Sprache kommt... in der Perspektive der Migrationsforschung eine hohe Bedeutung zu, sei es, dass dem Erwerb der Verkehrssprache des jeweiligen Aufnahmelandes eine hohe Bedeutung für das Gelingen sozialer Integration [...]

Die Publikation stellt Wege der Integration von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund in UNESCO-Projektschulen in Deutschland, Finnland, Großbritannien und Luxemburg vor. ... In Form von Fallstudien werden an Beispielen für den Umgang mit und die Förderung von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund aufgezeigt, wie die UNESCO-Zielsetzungen [...]

"This research report focuses on migration intentions of Europeans and investigates the main determinants of these intentions. The main advantage of studying mobility intentions - rather than studying migrants in their destination country - is that this approach is not biased by selectivity issues. There is indeed a large body of literature showing that migrants self-select in [...]

This survey, which focuses on the different modes of integration of immigrant pupils adopted in European education systems, is made up of six chapters. Chapter 1 begins with an overview of integration policies and cooperation as outlined in recent legislation and decisions reached at EU level, before going on to consider the important work undertaken in this field also by the [...]

Migrant policies and education by country-Europe

Migration, policy and education - non-European countries

Last Update: 27.06.2018  -

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