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Human Rights Policy - Federal Foreign Office Germany

h t t p s : / / w w w . a u s w a e r t i g e s - a m t . d e / e n / a u s s e n p o l i t i k / t h e m e n / m e n s c h e n r e c h t eExterner Link

The Federal Foreign Office outlines its policy regarding human rights protection and the international context (UN conventions) here,with pertinent current news and links to further details, such as the official report on human rights policy (both in terms of foreign policy and implementation of international standards at home).Cornerstones are women,  childrren, people with  disabilities, LGBTQI.


Germany, Europe, Foreign Policy, Basic rights, International relations, Human rights,

Language German; English
Contact Auswärtiges Amt/ Federal Foreign Office
Last modified 27.03.2023

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