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Bayerischer Rundfunk

International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television (IZI)

Rundfunkplatz 1
80335 München

h t t p s : / / i z i . b r . d e / e n g l i s h / h o m e . h t mExterner Link

IZI, the International Central Institute, is situated at the public broadcasting house in Bavaria. It is committed to researching and documenting activities and standards in (public) child and youth television - it holds a database of references and publishes articles on relevant issues, e.g. refugees in the media.


Educational Television, Media research, Media education, Research on reception,

Type of institution non-university research/ service
Country Germany
Phone 089 59 00 29 91
Telefax 089 59 00 23 79
last modified 25.09.2019

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