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Peisner-Feinberg, Ellen S.; Burchinal, Margaret R.; Clifford, Richard M.; Yazejian, Noreen; Culkin, Mary L.; Zelazo, Janice; Howes, Carollee; Byler, Patricia; Kagan, Sharon L.; Rustici, Jean

The Children of the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes Study Go To School.

Technical Report.

h t t p : / / f p g . u n c . e d u / s i t e s / f p g . u n c . e d u / f i l e s / r e s o u r c e s / r e p o r t s - a n d - p o l i c y - b r i e f s / N C E D L _ C Q O _ t e c h n i c a l _ r e p o r t . p d fExterner Link

This report presents the longitudinal findings from the Cost, Quality, and Child Outcomes in Child Care Centers study, an investigation designed to examine the complex relationships between children's experiences in centerbased child care and school and their social, emotional, and cognitive outcomes. This research began in 1992 - 93 as a comprehensive examination of the costs and quality of early childhood care and education... that would provide information about the operation of child care markets and the levels of child care quality. Detailed information about the operating costs, structural characteristics, and process quality of classroom activities and interactions was gathered from 401 child care centers, representing a wide variety of early childhood programs, both for-profit and nonprofit. The longitudinal phase of the study began..., when 826 preschoolers in their next-to-last year of child care were recruited. (DIPF/Orig.).

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