Ergebnis der Suche

Ergebnis der Suche nach: ( ( (Systematikpfad: "SPRACHEN UND LITERATUR") und (Systematikpfad: ENGLISCH) ) und (Systematikpfad: "BILINGUALER UNTERRICHT") ) und (Systematikpfad: GEOGRAPHIE)

Es wurden 199 Einträge gefunden

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1 bis 10
  • Cornelsen: Bilingualer Unterricht

    Alle Materialien des Cornelsen-Verlags für den bilingualen Unterricht, geordnet nach Fächern, Sprachen und Jahrgangsstufen (2013)

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1691091" }

  • Historical Atlas: ChronoAtlas

    This online map viewer interfaces with Google Earth to create a interactive experience that allows users to explore various themes and data sets.  Visitors can use the tabs on the left-hand side to go to various Areas of Interest, which include ”Alexander’s Empire” and ”Europe During the Black Death” (2014).

    { "HE": "DE:HE:1740051" }

  • Westermann: Bilingualer Unterricht

    Der Westermann-Verlag bietet bilinguale Unterrichtsmaterialien für Fächer der Sekundarstufe I und II an (2013-23).

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  • Earthquakes explained

    Earthquakes are one of the most common natural disasters on earth. But why do they happen? (3 minutes / explainity® explainer video 2023)

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  • European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre

    The EMSC runs an Earthquake Alert System for earthquakes in the Euro-Med region which consists of the rapid determination of the epicentre and the dissemination of the seismic alert message within the hour following the occurrence of the earthquake (2023).

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  • Earthquakes

    Students explore the causes of earthquakes, including the role of tectonic plates, and consider the efforts scientists are making to better understand and predict these sometimes deadly events (USA: PBS 2023).

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  • Eartquakes

    List of activities to explore earthquakes, sorted either by grade level or by topic (USA: Oklahoma Geological Survey 2023)

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  • Earthquakes and Tectonic Plates

    How can we determine the locations of tectonic plate boundaries?  How can we use seismic waves to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake?  In this activity, students will explore these questions using seismic data and triangulation (USA: California Academy of Sciences 2023).

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  • When The Earth Shakes

    This short animated video helps you prepare for an earthquake (USA: FEMA 2023)

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  • Why are earthquakes so hard to predict?

    Why are earthquakes so hard to anticipate, and how could we get better at predicting them? Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl investigates. (TedEd 2023)

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