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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: teaching of French

key words found 1 - 14 of 14

France; Francophone Countries
Website of the Deputy Director of DILTEC (Didactique des Langues, des Textes et des Cultures), a French research laboratory specialised in linguistics and didactics at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris University 3. The website is "dedicated to teaching French as a second language to allophone pupils newly arrived in France. You can find useful documents (university documents, [...]

Overview page with annual results of the French EANA survey on admissions to the French school system of newly arrived foreign-language pupils who do not speak French. The page provides information on the survey's aim, scope and methodology and links to various articles on the results of the EANA survey. It also provides a link to a thematically relevant Eduscol page with [...]

In its annual publication on education statistics, the French Ministry of Education also provides a sub-chapter on the enrolment of newly arrived foreign-language pupils in France ("La scolarisation des élèves allophones nouvellement arrivés"), usually in Chapter 1 "Le système éducatif". The 2023 edition is not yet included in the list linked here (as of April 2024) and [...]

France; Germany
The ADEAF (Association for the Development of the German Language in France) is a national organisation with about 1800 members, most of them German language teachers or German studies scholars. The website provides a newsletter, official information (educational policy etc), information about relevant events, thematic articles, information about ADEAF activities, and more. [...]

France; Germany
The VDFG ("Association of German-French Societies for Europe") has a French counterpart, the 'Fédération des Associations Franco-Allemandes pour l´Europe' (FAFA). Both were created in 1957 and form a unit. Currently, there are about 160 members, like German-French Societies, partnership associations, German-French choirs and others. The website provides ample information [...]

The "Fédération internationale des Professeurs de français" is an internationally acting association of teaching staff (teachers, professors) of the French language, which has as its goal to raise the popularity and a worldwide acceptance of the language and its cultural francophonic background.

Hopeland is an Algerian communications and community service project management firm located in Algiers. While assisting a company to associate its good name with good works in Algeria, Hopelands primary objective is to help improve the quality of life of the Algerian people through public service projects, with a focus on education. Hopeland Institute in Cheraga, Algiers, [...]

The Morrocan Association for French Teachers (AMEF) was founded in 1971. Its task is to regroup all French teachers of Morocco and for exchanging experiences, developing new teaching methods and participating on pedagogical debates. On the homepage, information about current activities and about publications of AMEF can be found.

The association for Didactics of French as a foreign language (ASDIFLE) has been created to gather those who, in and outside France, are interested in didactics of French as a foreign language to raise awareness for the didactic in its scientific specifity. It wants to be a privileged place of encounter of teachers, researchers, public and private institutions which opens [...]

The Fédération espagnole d'associations de professeurs de français (FEAPF) brings together the associations of teachers of French throughout Spain at every educational level. It coordinates the associations nationally and ensures their representation on the international stage. Its work is structured along three lines: educational politics, training and the dissemination [...]

Languages Canada was formed in March of 2008 as a result of a merger between the Canada Language Council (CLC) and CAPLS – The Canadian Association of Private Language Schools. It represents the two official languages English and French and promotes quality, accredited English and French language training in Canada, both nationally and internationally. All member schools are [...]

France runs 470 primary and secondary schools with 280,000 students in 130 countries of the world. AEFE is the official organization (associated to the Foreign Office) which cares of these schools. The website contains information about living, teaching and studying at a school abroad, organizational issues, texts of legal documents (see repères) and a list of the French [...]

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development has responsibility for public education (kindergarten through Grade 12). The Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development prescribes curriculum and establishes educational goals and standards. Serving Canada´s only officially bilingual province, New Brunswick's education system offers students the [...]

The Department of Education is comprised of several operational units, including: Acadian and French Language Services, Early Years, Public Schools, Corporate Policy, Corporate Services.

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