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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: teacher exchange

key words found 1 - 18 of 18

North America; South America; Latin America; Caribbean
This site lists all the information and links that the Organization of American States (OAS) provides in the field of education. For example, its "Department of Human Development, Education, and Employment" aims at supporting the cooperation between the North and South American member states in educational matters. It created the "Inter-American Teacher Educator Network" [...]

; United States of America (USA); ; international
Share My Lesson is a place where educators can come together to create and share their very best teaching resources. Developed by teachers for teachers, this free platform gives access to high-quality teaching resources and provides an online community where teachers can collaborate with, encourage and inspire each other. Share My Lesson has a significant resource bank for [...]

Bolivia; Colombia; Ecuador; Venezuela; Peru; Brazil; Cuba; Haiti; Puerto Rico; Dominican Republic; Costa Rica; Guatemala; El Salvador; Honduras; Nicaragua; Panama; Argentina; Chile; Paraguay; Uruguay; Mexico; United States of America (USA); Caribbean
The Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL) is an international organism founded with the objective to promote the universities of the member countries. The aim is the fostering of cooperation of Latin American and Caribbean universities amongst themselves as well as with other institutions and cultural organisations as the UNESCO; the cultural [...]

The objective of the National Network of Spanish Teachers (REDNADE) is to provide its members with publications and actualisations for the development of the communicative competence of the students. This is undertaken by the application of modern methods and techniques of teaching and language for the benefit of the improvement of national education.

The Educators Association of Cuba (APC) is a scientific, national association with legal statutes which consists of persons which are or were active in teaching or educational sciences. The main objective is to unite all actors of teaching, practical instructional work and educational sciences as well as all persons which are known for their merit and their commitment in [...]

The Argentinian Society of Education in Mathematics (SOAREM) was founded in 1998. Its objective is the promotion of the pedagocical and professional level of teachers and all who are interested in the fields of education in mathematics. Therefore, SOAREM gives impulses for the development of education research related to mathemtatics, it analyses the networking of mathematical [...]

The Nicaraguan Education Portal offers educational material which can be seen and used online, information about current curricula, short descriptions of the branches of education, guides and advice for teachers as well as for students and a news section in which educationally relevent news are presented.

The Education Portal PerúEduca is an interactive communication channel where the different education participants can gather and which is maintained by teachers as well as students in the teaching-learning process. Thus, the homepage offers information for teachers/lecturers, pupils/students as well as information about courses and the education community in Peru.

The Network teachers of teachers is a program of the ministry of education of Chile with the task, to strengthen the teacher profession. This is accomplished by the application of the capabilites of teachers which were acknowledged as excellence teacher by the Asignación de Excelencia Pedagógica (AEP) by contributing to the professional development of the teacher entity. The [...]

Argentina; Brazil; Colombia; Costa Rica; Cuba; Chile; United States of America (USA); Guatemala; Mexico; Panama; Puerto Rico; Peru; Dominican Republic; Uruguay; Venezuela; Caribbean
The Latin-American Committee for Educational Mathematics (CLAME) unites accredited researchers and teachers of the field of educational mathematics of Latin-America. The main objective of the association is to connect actions and shared interests with the aim to promote qualitative research and its actualization and to attain professionalization of the teachers through [...]

This is a list of the development aid projects run by the charity organisation `Gambia Education & Teaching Support UK.´

The Limerick-Rwanda education partnership was established in April 2007 when a contingent from the University of Limerick (UL) travelled to meet with colleagues in the National University of Rwanda (NUR), Butare. The aim of the trip was to explore the possibility for the exchange of experience and mutual learning in the area of teacher education. Since then, several projects [...]

The Rwanda Education Commons (REC) aims to help Rwanda expand access to quality education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It hopes to realize this goal by improving the climate for collaboration in the use of ICTs in education, and by implementing activities that use ICTs to supplement teaching and learning. The REC aims to realize a [...]

The Algerian Research Network (ARN) has been founded in the early nineties. It serves as technological infrastructure for all those who take part in higher education and scientific research. ARN provides national and international connectivity and follows, in its technical development, the continuing evolution of technical media. The network allows to comply with the [...]

Moldova, Republic of
MATE (The Moldavian Association of Teachers of English) was founded by a group of teachers in the fall of 1990. It is a professional, non-political organization, the aim of which is the improvement in standards of teaching English as a foreign language. MATE is based in Iasi, but individual membership is open to all teachers of English in the counties of Moldavia. MATE [...]

The Fédération espagnole d'associations de professeurs de français (FEAPF) brings together the associations of teachers of French throughout Spain at every educational level. It coordinates the associations nationally and ensures their representation on the international stage. Its work is structured along three lines: educational politics, training and the dissemination [...]

The Swiss foundation for federal cooperation promotes and coordinates the cooperation between cantons and the federal state. The foundation is responsible for youth exchange and supports projects and exchange programmes for pupils, apprentices, young employees and teachers. The activities comprise exchange between language regions in Switzerland as well as foreign exchange.

EP-Nuffic formed in 2015 out of a fusion of the organisations Nuffic (founded in 1952) and EP (founded in 1990). Nuffic and EP respectively supported internationalisation in higher education and in primary and secondary education. Now, EP-Nuffic provides detailed information on internationalisation in all spheres of education. Information is given as well for Dutch people who [...]

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