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Education Systems International

Keyword from Index: occupational orientation

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The Faculty for Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires has a focus on "Pedagogical Psychology and Vocational Orientation", among others. You can find information on past and current research in this area in the annual reports (anuarios) of the faculty starting from report XII (former reports list the research projects without area classification). The Faculty also [...]

The Public Employment Service (PES) research network of the PES Austria, Dep. for Labour Market Research and Vocational Information contains a comprehensive information system and a service platform, whose goals are to present and utilise results and activities in the fields of labour market, vocational, educational and qualification research. Research (e.g. full text [...]

The SDBB, a Swiss service centre for vocational education, study and career advice, is a special agency founded by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK). It offers services on national level and for the language regions in the fields of vocational education and training and career and study advice.

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