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Education Systems International

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The Child Well-being Data Portal is the OECD’s hub for comparative data on child well-being. Built using the latest available data from OECD databases and a range of leading international child surveys and data collection programmes, the Data Portal contains over 200 comparative measures on child well-being outcomes and the drivers of well-being stemming from children’s [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Foundation for Child Development (FCD) in the 1970s initiated the now widespread use of social indicators to measure child well-being at the federal and state levels. In 2004, the Foundation released the first Child Well-Being Index (CWI) – a measure that combines separate sources of national data about American children into one scientifically-based, easily understood [...]

United States of America (USA)
The Child Trends DataBank examines and monitors more than 100 indicators that focus on risks and positive developments for children. For each indicator it summarizes what the research says about its importance to children’s development, tracks trends over time and by subgroup, and highlights strategies likely to improve well-being. It also provides links to state, local, and [...]

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