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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Ungleichheit inequality

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The Child Well-being Data Portal is the OECD’s hub for comparative data on child well-being. Built using the latest available data from OECD databases and a range of leading international child surveys and data collection programmes, the Data Portal contains over 200 comparative measures on child well-being outcomes and the drivers of well-being stemming from children’s [...]

The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]

SMERU Research Institute does research in socio-economic issues, among other on poverty and inequality, social protection, education, health, children and youth, community-driven development, labor, microfinance, and more. The site about SMERU's research focus on education informs you about recent research activities and publications (free download). Education related [...]

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