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Education Systems International

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The BAnQ (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec) is an association of the Quebec national library and several national archives of the Canadian province of Quebec, which aims as the superior national library to preserve any historical and cultural heritage of the province. BAnQ serves as a storage for large amounts of documents of different types like print media [...]

This educational website of the Gouvernment of Québec provides information for students, parents, teachers and school boards. Furthermore, the site targets athlets, coaches, sport organisations and municipalities. Features include a school earch engine, current initiatives, laws and regualtions and information on the education system of Québec in general.

The Commission d´évaluation de l´enseignement collégial du Québec (CEEC) is an – from the government independently acting – organization whose evaluation mandate covers most aspects of college education, with special emphasis on student achievement and programs of studies. Legislation attributes the power to evaluate and make recommendations, as well as declaratory [...]

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