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Education Systems International

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HAEA was founded in 2004 and has today around 800 members. Beside organizing and planning of international conferences and programs, HAEA publishes the scientific journal 'Adult Education'. More information towards this and other activities of the association are provided at their homepage in Greek.

The theme of the UNESCO International Conference on Education 2008 was inclusive education. The website provides national reports on the development of inclusive education in the particpating countries, a final report, conclusions and recommendations, presentations, national reports and messages of the ministers. The conference "is a major international forum for education [...]

The main aim of POSDEP since its establishment in 1989 has been to ensure that Greek governments will provide students with public, free university education and that the universities will be totally independent; fiscally, administratively, institutionally. POSDEP is mainly in contact with the Federation of Associations of Technical Institutions (OSEP-TEI) and the Union of [...]

The Teachers' Federation Greece is mainly active in primary education politics and has its seat in Athens. DOE was established in 1922.Besides its commitment to improve primary education or to protect and promote professional and material interests of primary school teachers other purposes are declared in the statutes (in Greek only). [Abstract: Editors of Education [...]

OLME is one of the Civil Servants’ Federations; it consists of 91 local unions and is the only secondary state school teachers union in Greece with more than 55,000 members. OLME was established in 1924 with the purpose to secure teachers’ working rights and to promote Greek culture. Nowadays OLME focuses on: - The co-ordination of all local unions it consists of, aiming [...]

Ukraine; Belarus; Russian Federation
This Russian language website provides a lot of information on disability in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. You can look up thematic keywords, links to organisations in the three countries, authors and their publications. Many links also provide fulltexts (reports, articles, analyses, guides, guidelines, and more). Among others, you will find information on the issue of [...]

"Gifted and Talented Network Ireland is the national association in Ireland advocating for the educational needs of gifted children and supporting parents of gifted children. GT Network is a network of Gifted Advocacy Groups in Ireland." Among others, the network advocates for "specific Initial Teacher Education in the needs of gifted children" and for "the inclusion of the [...]

United Kingdom
The BDA´s mission is to campaign and lobby for long lasting and sustainable change for the benefit of dyslexic people, to provide impartial and objective advice and support to dyslexic people and those with whom they come into contact, to set the standards for and accredit dyslexia knowledge and professional expertise, to deliver innovative solutions which break new ground in [...]

The Canadian Federation of Students was formed in 1981 to provide students with an effective and united voice, provincially and nationally. The stated goal of the CFS is to work at the federal level and provincial levels for high quality, accessible post-secondary education.

Universities Austria handles the internal coordination of the 21 public Austrian universities, it represents them in national and international organisations and is the public voice of the universities. Furthermore, Universities Austria provides administrative and organisational support to the National University Federation (Dachverband der Universitäten).

SFS represents the Swedish students´ interests in social welfare and educational issues and represents Swedish students on a national and international level. SFS handles issues concering quality in higher education, admission to higher education, selection procedure, examination and evaluation.

The Canadian Teachers´ Federation (CTF) is a national alliance of provincial and territorial teacher organizations that represent nearly 200,000 elementary and secondary school teachers across Canada. CTF strives to help with increasing teachers´ influence with the government, with improving salaries and working conditions and with being a contact for teachers in hard times [...]

Lärarförbundet is the largest union for teachers and heads of schools and the fourth largest professional trade union in Sweden.

The association represents the French Grandes Écoles as well as foreign higher education institutions of excellence that meet the membership criteria relating to structure, recruitment methods, teaching methods and support provided to students. The CGE accredits its members´ educational programmes and represents the institutions´ interests towards politics, economy and [...]

The LDAC is a national, non-profit voluntary organization. It is dedicated to advance the education, employment, social development, legal rights and general well-being of people with learning disabilities. There is a Learning Disabilities Association in each province and territory of Canada and from these extends a network of chapters in more than 140 communities across the [...]

Universities Canada (formerly The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)) is considered to be the national voice for Canadian universities, representing many public and private not-for-profit universities and university degree-level colleges. As an organization its mission is to foster and promote the interests of higher education and university research. By [...]

SVEB Switzerland is the umbrella organization of adult education and lifelong learning in Switzerland. It is a non governemental organisation, which represents nationwide private and state institutions, associations, representatives responsible for adult education on a cantonal level, institutions, in-house training departments and personnel managers. It also extends its [...]

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