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Education Systems International

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Only the English publications are listed here. For ther languages you have to reste the filter. The Unesco Digital Library provides access to publications, documents and other materials either produced by Unesco or pertaining to Unesco’s fields of competence. Most of them are accessible online for free. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

Israel; international
The Taub Center is doing research on social policy in Israel. This research is divided into 5 sections: economics, education, health, labor markets, and social welfare. For each section, you will find publications (some as fulltext) and statistical data (such as expenditure on education e.g.). The Taub Center also publishes an annual "State of the Nation Report". Furthermore, [...]

Unesco main website about the issue of inclusion in education. On the right hand side, you will find publications, guidelines, toolkits and "Ten questions on inclusive education". On the left hand side, there are introduction to different groups that traditionally suffer from exclusion (Roma Children, Street Children, Child Workers, People with Disabilities, Indigenous People, [...]

The website offers information on a conference about global learning through the Internet and web 2.0 / social media. You will find an e-book with the papers and a summary of the discussions at the conference as well as further information like materials for workshops etc. The website was built up in the context of a conference organised by students of online journalism at the [...]

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