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Education Systems International

Free keyword: Begriffsanalyse

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"In the past few decades ‘disability’ has climbed the academic ladder. Just as race, class and gender it now is being considered an advantageous instrument for critically exploring a wide range of societal issues. The aim of the Disability History Lecture Series organized at the KU Leuven is to explore and promote the innovative role ‘disability’ can play at the [...]

international; Austria
This web page refers to literature and events of Ethno-Pedagogy which roots in Ethnology and Social and Cultural Anthropology. Among others, terms like ethnography for education or intercultural pedagogy are discussed. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

This Academic Glossary contains brief explanations of Polish terms, including academic degrees and titles related to Polish universities and other higher education institutions in Poland.The page is a service of the Polish Academic Information Center in co-operation with a U.S.- American university.

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