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Education Systems International

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Belgium; Denmark; Germany; France; Greece; Ireland; Iceland; Italy; Canada; Luxemburg; Netherlands; Norway; Austria; Portugal; Sweden; Switzerland; Spain; Turkey; United States of America (USA); United Kingdom; Japan; Finland; Australia; New Zealand; Mexico; Czechia; Hungary; Poland; Slovakia; Chile; Slovenia; Israel; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Colombia; Costa Rica; Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
This page of the OECD contains current studies and analyses on issues relating to the integration of people with a migration background and refugees in the OECD countries. The topics include language training, recognition of educational qualifications, digital and social participation.

The Strategic Plan [by the Ministry of Education] is presented in three main sections: 1) Quality and relevance; 2) Equitable access, and 3) Efficient and transparent management. Past Plans reflected the institutional organisation of the Ministry and were divided into Programmes (General Education, Curriculum, Literacy, etc.). The change anticipates the planned review of [...]

The Afghanistan's Education Sector Analysis outlines the priorities of the Government in the Education sector such as improving quality, internal efficiency and education outcomes, and improving access and effectively addressing education sector inequities (gender, rural/ urban divide, poor/ non poor). It also recalls that there are huge challenges and that, unless there is [...]

The reforms of the chronically corrupt and inefficient education sector in Ukraine are wrongly only the focus of language policy debates. After all, the future of the Ukrainian state and all the reform projects associated with it hinge on the question of when and whether the country will succeed in decisively increasing the level of professionalisation of its human capital. [...]

Finland; Korea, Republic of (South Korea); Canada
This volume is dedicated to an analysis of the school systems of the top three PISA participants with special focus on their characteristics that influenced the PISA results in the authors' opinion. "Trends in Bildung international" - TiBi (trends in education international) is a product from the German Institute of International Educational Research. Including DIPF's [...]

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