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2nd All-Ukrainian scientific conference «Psychological, pedagogical, and political problems of transformational processes in Ukrainian society»

20.02.2014, 08:00 Uhr - 21.02.2014, 18:00 Uhr

Kremenchuk National University, Institut für Psychologie, Pädagogik und Philosophie


h t t p : / / w w w . k d u . e d u . u a / c o n f _ p p f / i n d e x . p h pExterner Link

"RESEARCH TRENDS CONFERENCE 2014 (Google automatic translation):
1. Psycho-pedagogical and methodological foundations for training specialists
2. Actual problems of linguistics and learning foreign languages ​​
3. Modern trends in the national legal system and the political and legal relations (
4. Challenges of the Information Society: History and Modernity"

"All-Ukrainian scientific conference 'Psychological, pedagogical, and political problems of transformational processes in Ukrainian society' was held at Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University. The conference aimed to determine the main psychological, pedagogical, and political difficulties in Ukraine and their appropriate solutions, and also to establish the regional coordination centre for psychological, pedagogical, and political research, bring new business contacts and collaborations with other universities." Diese Beschreibung stammt aus einer englischsprachigen Zusammenfassung der ersten "All-Ukrainian scientific conference ..." aus dem Jahr 2012.


Education, Psychology, Pedagogics, Educational policy, Educational research, Society, society,

Type of event conference/ convention/ symposium
Thematic area general; child day-care; pre-school; primary school; lower secondary school; upper secondary school; special education school; vocational education and training; higher education; youth work and education; adult education; senior citizens education; special needs education; social work/ social pedagogy; science/ educational research; educational policy/ educational administration; media and information literacy
Target group lecturers/ researchers; educational policy/ administration
Conference language English; other
Organised by Kremenchuk National University, Institut für Psychologie, Pädagogik und Philosophie
Last modified 24.03.2014

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