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2023 - Archive of Education News Worldwide

"Israel-Palästina Bildungsvideos" ist ein Projekt der Gesellschaft im Wandel gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) in Kooperation mit Transaidency e.V. Entwickelt wird ein kostenloses Bildungsangebot aus Bildungsvideos und Begleitmaterialien. Fortbildungen für Lehrer*innen- und Multiplikator*innen zu den Palästina-Israel-Videos, ein Podcast und [...]

The new PISA study 2022 is out

Cover der zwei Publikationen zur PISA-Studie 2022 (international)
Copyright: Halfpoint/; Monkey Business Images/

The OECD's new PISA study, the "Programme for International Student Assessment", has just been published. It notes a worldwide “unprecedented performance drop”, which is of course attributed, among other things, but not only, to the school closures during the Corona years. The 2022 PISA report consists of two publications that summarise the individual country notes: "The State of Learning and Equity in Education" (Volume 1) and "Learning During - and From - Disruption" (Volume 2).

Education Worldwide advent calendar 2023

Look forward to the Education Worldwide Advent calendar! It starts on 01 December. Every day, behind a new door, something interesting from the world of international education awaits you. Please note that some items are only available in German. We hope you will enjoy it!

P.S.: Unfortunately, this beta version of the H5P Advent calendar is not optimized for smartphones.

New web dossier: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education – international perspectives

Details eines Wandgraffitis mit der Inschrift:

Not only in Germany, but worldwide, the publication of the chatbot "ChatGPT" has sparked a debate about artificial intelligence.

You can find out on how this debate is being conducted internationally in the education sector in our dossier.  We offer you freely accessible overview literature & systematic reviews, as well as reports, guidelines, frameworks, organisations & networks and projects. You will also find information on AI and education in various countries & regions as well as articles on AI tools in education.

With reference to various linked sources, the article reports on the situation in the higher education sector both in Israel after the Hamas attacks on 7 October 2023 and in the Palestinian territories during the subsequent Israeli military operation. The article was published on 07.11.23 on the University World News platform. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

"Universities in Russia are experiencing a structural transformation, marked by decreasing autonomy, militarisation, and ideologisation of curricula. As they distance themselves from Western models, these institutions are reverting to Soviet-era approaches to higher education which are expected to intensify as the war continues." [Abstract: Editors' information]

Due to current events: Education in Israel and Palestine

Die Flaggen Israels und Palästinas gehen ineinander über. Davor zwei Hände beim Händeschütteln.
Copyright: Prachatai, "israel-palestine-peace", CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Due to current events we would like to remind you of our two web dossiers on education in Israel and Palestine.

    "(...) vast inequalities still exist in levels of internet access, digital skills and patterns of use - particularly for girls from disadvantaged communities. To rectify these inequities, a holistic approach to digital policies is essential. Using the UNICEF Child-centred Digital Equality Framework, A Global Review of Selected Digital Inclusion Policies reviewed 126 digital [...]

    re3data lists research data repositories worldwide. You can either search for repositories or browse by country, discipline / subject or type of research data. [Abstract: Editors of Education Worldwide]

    Education in Slovenia, Guest of Honour of the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023

    Nationalflagge Sloweniens
    Copyright: engin akyurt on the platform Unsplash (please note the licence guidelines of the platform)

    It has now become a tradition - our web dossier on the education system in the respective host country of the Frankfurt Book Fair. This year our dossier is dedicated to the small country of Slovenia. As always, we primarily offer sources that provide an overview of the education system in Slovenia. You can also find information about education statistics and indicators, about authorities and national institutions in the education sector in Slovenia, or about Slovenian research and educational research. In keeping with the book fair, there is also a section on literature and reading culture in Slovenia. There we provide information on studies, associations, projects and bibliographies on translations of Slovenian books. We hope you will enjoy reading the dossier! Your team at Education Worldwide

    "This report illustrates schematic information on the structure of education systems in European countries, from pre-primary to tertiary level in the school year 2023/2024. It includes national diagrams, a guide to reading the diagrams and a map showing the main organisational models of primary and lower secondary education. The [...]

    Article by "Education International", the Global Union Federation that brings together organisations of teachers and other education employees from across the world. Subtitle: "Educators can take inspiration from growing efforts to resist the current hype around AI". Sections: 1. Ways of thinking differently about AI; 1.1. Black, Crip & queer perspectives on AI; 1.2. Feminist [...]

    Article by "Education International", the Global Union Federation that brings together organisations of teachers and other education employees from across the world.

    "The KIX EAP Hub, with a group of five public associations from the Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, has initiated an inter-country exchange focused on inclusive education for children with disabilities. In the context of Rapid Customised Country Support (RCCS), this initiative will span four months, with the objective to promote best practices [...]

    New Unesco Global Education Monitoring Report - Focus on "Technology in Education"

    Cover des GEM Reports 2023: Ein Mädchen in einer Klasse sitzt vor einem Tablet.
    Copyright: Ismael Martínez Sánchez-8308 / ProFuturo

    On July 26, 2023, the new Unesco Education Report was published. This time its focus is on technology in education, with a question in the subtitle: "A tool on whose terms?".

    The report explores the debates surrounding the opportunities and risks of technology in education. The authors examine education challenges to which appropriate use of technology can offer solutions (access, equity and inclusion; quality; technology advancement; system management), while recognizing that many solutions proposed may also be detrimental.
    The report also explores three system-wide conditions (access to technology, governance regulation, and teacher preparation) that need to be met for any technology in education to reach its full potential.

    In addition to the overall report, you can also find 200 country reports on the situation of technology in education in the respective country.

    Nearly half of schools in European cities are in areas with strong urban heat island effects

    Zwei Europakarten mit dem jeweiligen Prozentsatz an Schulen, die in einer Wärmeinsel oder einem Überflutungsgebiet liegen.
    These two maps of Europe show the percentage of schools located in a heat island or flood zone. Original maps and metadata: Look for the links in the text.

    Schools and educational institutions in general are unfortunately not only affected by cyberattacks more often than average. The European Environment Agency also points out in a 2022 publication that a disproportionate number of schools (and also hospitals) in Europe are located in so-called Urban Heat Islands (UHI). Furthermore, 10% of Europe's schools are located in potentially flood-prone areas. We link to the respective reports and graphs of the European Environment Agency. They also contain recommendations for improving the situation of (school) children considered to be particularly vulnerable.

      "The International Data Alliance for Children on the Move (IDAC) is a cross-sectoral global coalition comprised of governments, international and regional organizations, NGOs, think tanks, academics, and civil society. The main objective of IDAC is to improve statistics and data on migrant and forcibly displaced children with the [...]

      The report aims at giving an overview of the current support provided to EdTech start-ups in Europe via incubators, accelerators, testbeds and other organisations. This is meant to provide a better understanding of how the EdTech landscape is evolving. By interviewing 16 EdTech Eco-system stakeholders from 12 different European countries, the report identified the following [...]

      This report contains an analysis of the effective use of learner-generated data with a specific focus on teacher training. The use of learner-generated data in research is coined Learning Analytics. (...) The report aims to introduce teacher trainers, policymakers and practitioners to learning analytics. It defines the term and describes the core dimensions of it (...). It [...]

      Decolonising Data Summit - aufgezeichnete Vorträge und Präsentationsfolien

      Der Text

      In the course of the AI debate, everyone is also talking about data or Big Data. In this context, concern is often expressed about the possible lack of objectivity of data in terms of gender, age, race, culture or sexual orientation. The problem is that this can lead to discrimination. An interesting event was organised in this regard by NORRAG, the Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training. It dealt with the "decolonisation of data". A keynote address and two panels covered the following topics:

      •     "A New World? Transformational Knowledge and Decolonization" (keynote).
      •     "Decolonising International Assessment" (Panel 1).
      •     "Decolonising Ed-Tech" (Panel 2).

      The website linked here provides the video recordings of the keynote and the panels, as well as the slides for the keynote.

      EU wide MOOC for teachers and parents: "Unlocking the Power of AI in Education"

      Zahnräder sowie eine Glühbirne mit einem Schlüsselloch und einer Hand mit Schlüssel davor.

      The main target audience of European Schoolnet's MOOC are educators as well as parents with an interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and its potentials and challenges. No previous experience or knowledge of AI is needed to take this course. The course is open from 13.03. till 19.04.23.

      Through the four modules of the MOOC, AI resources, tools and technologies will be examined that can be safely implemented in your daily teaching practice to enhance teaching and learning. The MOOC will furthermore explore the use of educational data and how it interacts with teaching and learning. There will also be a reflection on ethical implications of AI’s use in the classroom. At the end of the course, the participants will prepare their own AI-related learning activity, ready to be put into practice.

      "The study is part of a larger cyber citizen skills project, the first phase of which is research-based, resulting in this research report. (...) The goal of the first phase of the project was to determine the current state of cyber citizen skills education and training in the EU Member States and the kind of educational content available for teaching these skills. The study [...]

      Global Survey on the Internationalisation of Universities

      Logo der 6. Globalen Umfrage der Internationalen Vereinigung der Universitäten (IAU) zur Internationalisierung

      The International Association of Universities (IAU) is launching its 6th global survey on the status of the internationalisation of Higher Education. Universities from all over the world are invited to take part in the survey until 31 March 2023. This year it is dedicated to the future of internationalisation in higher education.

      The survey has been taking place since 2003. The respective results of each survey require a fee. A summary of the results of all previous surveys can be found for free under the following links:

      1. Survey 2003 (questionnaire & full report)
      2. Survey 2005 (key results)
      3. Survey 2009 (summary)
      4. Survey 2014 (summary)
      5. Survey 2018 (summary)

        The Varkey Foundation, which is now apparently also gaining a foothold in Latin America, has been one of the largest international players in the field of education for years. Examples include partnerships with Unesco and Unicef, the organization of the Global Education and Skills Forum and the awarding of the Global Teacher Prize. The founder of the foundation, an Indian [...]

        South America; Latin America; Africa; South Asia; South-East Asia; Eastern Europe; Pacific Rim
        The "NORRAG - Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training" presents a project that aims at giving the so-called Global South a voice. With #TheSouthAlsoKnows Project, Education experts from the Global South can [...]

        "Governments and education policy makers are increasingly concerned with equity and inclusion in education due to several major global trends such as demographic shifts, migration and refugee crises, rising inequalities, and climate change. These developments have contributed to increasing diversity within national populations and flagged some concerns around the ability of [...]

        New webdossier: Cyber attacks on education - a worldwide problem

        Ein Laptop mit ganz vielen Zahlen und einem Schlosssymbol.

        We admit that the topic of our new dossier is not a very festive one given that Christmas is coming soon.  But it is a topic that has directly concerned us at the DBS and DIPF Institute over the past few weeks, as we ourselves have been victims of a cyber attack. Education Worldwide took the opportunity to research the topic of cybercrime in the field of education. It turned out that education is one of the most popular targets for hackers around the world. The sources we compiled for our webdossier will tell you the reasons for this, it will present you facts and statistics, and it will show you some examples of how different countries are dealing with this problem in the education sector.

        Last Update: 15.01.2024  -

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