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Ariadne Pfad:


2021 - Archive of Education News Worldwide

We make Christmas decorations in Europe - ARTE school videos

Screenshot der betreffenden ARTE-Webseite
Screenshot of the ARTE website with videos from different schools and countries. Unfortunately, it is available only in German and French.
Copyright: ARTE
What kind of decorations do children in different European countries make around christmas? ARTE, the European culture channel, presents five short videos from schools in England, Spain, Portugal, Finland, and Austria. Unfortunately, the videos have no English version or subtitles. Just enjoy the images ;-)

A guest article written by M Niaz Asadullah, Professor of Development Economics at the University of Malaya, Malaysia and Southeast Asia Lead of the Global Labor Organization (GLO). Her article is dealing with the state of education in Afghanistan since the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan and the consequent takeover by the Taliban. The World Education Blog is run [...]

"Urging governments to reopen schools as soon as possible, UNICEF unveils No Time to Lose – a clock counting hours of lost learning – as the UN General Assembly gets underway in NY". Press release by Unicef, 17.09.2021.

The online discussion “World Report on Disability: 10 years on” focuses on the World Report on Disability, which was published in 2011 by the World Health Organization (WHO). The editors of the report also took part in the discussion. It was recorded so you can watch it now (including subtitles). See the small black button “Watch the session” on the right-hand side [...]

New webdossier "The Coronavirus, the Pandemic, and Education in an International Perspective"

Ein Foto einer Erdkugel mit Stethoskop und einem Zettel mit der Aufschrift

In this webdossier, the team of Education Worldwide compiles international information on education in times of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Two surveys in the field of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) - Erasmus+ project

Ein Schiff mit dem Schriftzug
Copyright: kees torn, ETNA, CC BY-SA 2.0

An Erasmus+ project is looking for participants for two surveys in the field of STEAM. Please take a look at the pdfs we link to for details.

In case you have questions, please address them to Mr  Khaleel Asyraaf Mat Sanusi of the Cologne Game Lab at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

New OECD publication on the state of education worldwide, one year after the beginning of the COVID-pandemic

Cover der OECD-Publikation
Cover of the OECD publication "The State of Education. One Year into the COVID-Pandemic" (2021)
Copyright: OECD

The corona pandemic, which has been rampant since March 2020, has led to massive problems in the education systems of all countries worldwide: closed schools and inadequate digital teaching have lead to large educational gaps among students. This situation has been going on for a year now. During this time, the OECD, together with UNESCO, UNICEF and the World Bank, has collected data from around the world on how different education systems are coping with the challenge and crisis management. The report linked here offers first preliminary results.

Update January 2022: Meanwhile, the OECD published a new report with the title  "The State of Global Education. 18 Months into the Pandemic" as well as other reports with different topics related to education and the COVID-19 pandemic. We link to all of them here. 

Der katalanische Brauch, zum Namenstag des Volksheiligen St. Georg Rosen und Bücher zu verschenken, inspirierte die UNESCO 1995 dazu, den 23. April zum „Welttag des Buches und des Urheberrechts“ zu erklären. Seither wird an diesem Tag, der auch der Todestag von William Shakespeare und Miguel de Cervantes ist, auf der ganzen Welt das Lesen gefeiert. Über Aktionen in [...]

Collabovid is a plattform sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It allows searching for Covid-19 related publications in several renowned databases. We link to the results for the topic "education". You can also look for publications in specific journals (e.g. articles in the International Review of Education) or search for more detailed keywords. [...]

European Schoolnet is a network of 32 Ministries of Education from across Europe, leading educational innovation at European level. In this document, the network presents its work programme for 2021. The focus will be on digital education on the one hand, and the effects of the corona epidemic on education in Europe on the [...]

"This special issue offers a panel of reflexions on how global reports and indicators shape the global development agenda. Bridging the gap between theory and practice as well as advocacy and policy, authors were invited to assess the reception and impact of these reports on global governance, agency and thematic focus. The issue seeks to question the possible disruptive [...]

The International Handbook of Inclusive Education has been published Open Access

Cover des Handbuchs Inklusion International + Zusatzinfo

The International Handbook of Inclusive Education was published in January 2021 and is accessible online and free of charge. It provides an overview of international comparative research on inclusion. In particular, the authors of the book explore the question of how a global paradigm such as that of inclusion is translated into national norms and local practices. This is done among others by building on case studies from Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. The articles are either in German or in English.

International Day of Education on 24 January

Ein kleines Mädchen sitzt mit Atemschutzmaske an einem Laptop.

The International Day of Education is celebrated on January 24th. The day was launched by the United Nations in December 2018 - that means since merely 2 years. Nevertheless, since the beginning of the Corona pandemic in early 2020, it has become more clear than ever that education is not only an extremely important issue, but also a very fragile one. Schoolchildren around the world have been suffering from school closures as well as learning and teaching restrictions for almost a year now. For many, this means that they can no longer continue their education or they can only do so under difficult circumstances. Therefore, the third International Day of Education deserves all the more attention and appreciation.

Last Update: 07.02.2022  -

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