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Teacher education

The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) helps answer the question how countries can prepare teachers to face the diverse challenges in today’s schools. TALIS asks teachers and schools about their working conditions and the learning environments. It covers important themes such as initial teacher education [...]

Local autonomy is one of the recent trends in reforms of compulsory education. However, several parallel trends such as individual accountability, performance and visibility challenge professional autonomy. The aim of this article is to explore how accountability and transparency reforms affect teacher autonomy in Norway and Sweden. The authors argue that both individual [...]

One of the responsibilities of teachers and instructors is the continuous diagnosis of an extremely wide variety of learning prerequisites and opportunities of their students. Focusing on the learning goal, they have to align their actions accordingly. However, the evaluation of the diagnostic competence of teaching personnel to accurately assess the learning requirements of [...]

This article concerns issues connected to social inclusion and exclusion in Swedish upper secondary education in the late 1990s, after the 1994 curriculum reform. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork that was completed in 2000 and that appropriated participant observation and interview methods in data production. Extensive comments from teachers and headteachers on strategies [...]

This article considers teacher professionalism from a neglected perspective. It analyses assumptions about the dynamics of professional participation implicit within competing academic and policy constructs of professionalism, including the currently iconic concept of 'communities of practice'. All entail notions of becoming and being a professional. However, data from the [...]

While there has been considerable scholarship on the role of school and district leadership within instructional change, there has been little analysis of the values and orientations that undergird current policy debates about instructional leadership. This article outlines the importance of examining instructional leadership in the context of broader political and cultural [...]

This article is based on the Keynote Address to the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Crete, Greece, 21-25 September 2004. One of the most consistent results in sociology of education research has been the existence of inequalities in school results and educational trajectories related to social factors. Despite an important increase in number of years of [...]

Die Indikatoren wurden vom Arbeitsausschuss "Qualitätsindikatoren" erarbeitet, dem Sachverständige aus 26 europäischen Ländern angehörten. Lesen, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften behaupten ihren Platz als Indikator, weil sie unverzichtbare Werkzeuge des Wissens und die Grundlagen für die Fähigkeit des lebenslangen Lernens bereitstellen. Die nicht so einfach messbaren [...]

"This paper studies the effect of employment protection on worker productivity and firm output in the context of a public school system. In 2004, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) signed a new collective bargaining agreement that gave principals the flexibility to dismiss probationary teachers (defined as those with less than five years of [...]

"This paper takes advantage of a unique policy change to examine how principals make decisions regarding teacher dismissal. In 2004, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) signed a new collective bargaining agreement that gave principals the flexibility to dismiss probationary teachers for any reason and without the documentation and hearing process [...]

In a retrospective survey of four cohorts (1963-65, 1973-75, 1983-85 and 1993-95) of graduates of teaching for primary education in Bern, Switzerland, data on professional mobility and current occupation was collected. Five career-types could be identified on the basis of level of employment and a chronology of professional development non-entry, continuance, reduction, exit [...]

"Search theory suggests that early career job changes on balance lead to better matches that benefit both workers and firms, but this may not hold in teacher labor markets characterized by salary rigidities, barriers to entry, and substantial differences in working conditions that are difficult for institutions to alter. Of particular concern to education policy makers is the [...]

Die Publikation stellt die Ergebnisse zur Erhebung 2007/08 des Lehrkörpers der schweizerischen öffentlichen Schulen von der Vorschule bis zur Sekundarstufe II vor. Sie bietet einen allgemeinen Überblick über die Anzahl [der] Lehrkräfte nach Geschlecht, Altersklasse, Staatsangehörigkeit und Beschäftigungsgrad. Ausserdem analysiert sie, in welchem quantitativen [...]

Dieser Band stellt die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes vor, welches der Verfasser an der Universität Bern durchgeführt hat. Anlass der Arbeit bildete der Auftrag des Erziehungsdepartements des Kantons Aargau (Schweiz), mittels einer Erhebung bei den im Jahr 1994 kündigenden aargauischen Lehrkräften nach Motiven für Stellenwechsel, berufliche Abwanderung und [...]

Diese Publikation stellt Erkenntnisse aus etwa 100 Studienbesuchen in den Jahren 2008/2009 zum Thema Verbesserung von Qualität und Effizienz vor, einer der strategischen Prioritäten der europäischen Zusammenarbeit in der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung, und insbesondere ihrer wichtigen Komponenten: Erwerb von Schlüsselkompetenzen, Herausforderungen für Lehrkräfte und [...]

This article uses a school finance equity framework to examine the distribution of resources across the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) during a policy shift toward neighborhood-based student assignment between 1999 and 2004. Findings from this analysis confirm that MNPS schools are resegregating. Additionally, this study finds that, although Nashville students [...]

Die in diesem Bericht dargestellten 35 Indikatoren werden in den folgenden fünf Kapiteln präsentiert: Kontext, Strukturen und Organisation, Ausstattung, Lehrer und Praxis. Diese rein thematisch ausgerichtete Gliederung wurde anstelle der Darstellung nach Bildungsstufen gewählt, nach der die letzte Veröffentlichung dieses Berichts im Jahr 2001 aufgebaut war, und wird für [...]

Welche Chancen haben Kinder und Jugendliche aus Migrantenfamilien heute in der Schule? Welches sind die positiven Rollenvorbilder, an denen sie sich orientieren können? Wie sind die Integrationsstrategien an unterschiedlichen Orten in Europa? Dies sind einige Fragen, auf die das Acting-Labs-Projekt in Berlin, Turin und Brüssel Antworten gesucht hat. Dabei wurde in der [...]

United Kingdom
A collection of resources for teachers provided by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). Topics include teaching and learning, management, professional development, research and UK education policy as well as communications services and a recruitment services for schools seeking to employ qualified staff .

United Kingdom; England
Beginning with the academic year of 2005,the British government has launched an ambitious programme to rebuild, modernise and equip secondary schools in England so that they may be able to meet educational reform requirements. One key issue concerns information and communications technology and services. The website [...]

United Kingdom
This archived service provided information regarding recruitment of teaching and supporting staff at schools and other educational institutions, i.e. teachers, teaching assistants, special needs education specialists, receptionists etc.

Teacher education and training

Teacher mobility

School partnerships, exchanges

Last Update: 08.06.2015  -

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