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Country Diagrams: Germany (International Standard Classification of Education)

h t t p s : / / i s c e d . u i s . u n e s c o . o r g / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / s i t e s / 1 5 / u i s _ i s c e d _ u p l o a d s / 0 9 9 b 5 c e f f 4 8 5 6 9 e 6 7 4 5 1 4 d 3 4 7 9 7 3 a c 0 f . j p gExterner Link

These country diagrams provide a visual image of the structure of national education systems classified according to ISCED 2011. The diagrams are based on mappings provided by Member States that have been verified internally and approved by countries.


Germany, Education system, Graphic arts, Graphs, Cross-national comparison, Classification,

Language English; French; Spanish
Contact UNESCO Institute of Statistics
Last modified 05.06.2023

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