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Deaf Refugees in Germany

h t t p s : / / w w w . d e a f r e f u g e e s . d e / e n /Externer Link is a nationwide association of various umbrella organizations, state associations, regional associations and volunteers who collect barrier-free information especially for deaf refugees and provide contact persons. 
The website is also available in Ukrainian and Russian.


Germany, Handicapped, Flight, Refugee, Sign language, Deaf person, Deafness, help, Deaf,

Language German; English; Russian
Contact Förderverein der Gehörlosen/Hörbehinderten (BRD) e.V. in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Deutsche Gehörlosen-Jugend e.V. und Deutscher Gehörlosen-Bund e.V.;
Last modified 07.09.2022

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