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Residency and security law for international students - guidance for student advisers

h t t p s : / / w w w . s t u d i e r e n d e n w e r k e . d e / b e i t r a g / r e s i d e n c y - a n d - s o c i a l - s e c u r i t y - l a w - f o r - i n t e r n a t i o n a l - s t u d e n t sExterner Link

A brochure with information about the residence rights and social security law for international students from third countries in Germany, also regarding current developments such as Brexit, the Covid pandemic. The brochure is intended to  support student advisers, e.g. at universities.


Germany, Law on aliens, higher education, Guidance and counseling, Academic studies,

Language English
Contact Dorothee Frings, im Auftrag der Deutschen Studentenwerke
Last modified 27.09.2023

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