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Covid-19 and culture in Germany: timeline, support measures and discussions

h t t p s : / / w w w . c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s . n e t / c o v i d - 1 9 / c o u n t r y - r e p o r t s / g e r m a n y /Externer Link

Covid-19 has had a harsh impact on the cultural landscape in Germany. This contribution consists of three parts: a) a timeline of selected events regarding culture and COVID-19, b) an overview of support measures that have been implemented at the federal and state levels and by the cultural sector itself, and c) an outline of the ongoing points of discussion with regard to culture and coronavirus.



Germany, Educational policy, Health, Culture, Cultural education, Cultural policy,

Language English
Contact Blumenreich, Ulrike
Last modified 10.01.2023

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