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Horizon Report 2021

h t t p s : / / l i b r a r y . e d u c a u s e . e d u / - / m e d i a / f i l e s / l i b r a r y / 2 0 2 1 / 4 / 2 0 2 1 h r t e a c h i n g l e a r n i n g . p d f ? l a = e n & h a s h = C 9 D E C 1 2 3 9 8 5 9 3 F 2 9 7 C C 6 3 4 4 0 9 D F F 4 B 8 C 5 A 6 0 B 3 6 EExterner Link

The 2021 edition of the Horizon Report, which is published annually, presents current trends, important challenges and developments in the field of educational technologies for higher education, which are also relevant for other educational areas. The corona pandemic plays an important role in this issue. The report is available online in English. (PDF document, 50 pages, 2021)


Germany, United States of America, New media, Digitalization, University level of education, University development,

Language English
Contact Educause;
Last modified 21.05.2021

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