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Continuing Education and Training in Germany - OECD Report

h t t p s : / / w w w . o e c d . o r g / e m p l o y m e n t / c o n t i n u i n g - e d u c a t i o n - a n d - t r a i n i n g - i n - g e r m a n y - 1 f 5 5 2 4 6 8 - e n . h t mExterner Link

While Germany has a strong education and VET system, participation in CET lags behind other  OECD countries in parts of the population. This report  published in April 2021 assesses the current state of the German continuing education and training (CET) system. It examines how effectively and efficiently the system prepares people and enterprises for the changes occurring in the world of work, and identifies what changes are necessary to make the CET system more future ready.


Germany, Adult education, Professional Continuing Education, Demand for further education,

Language German; English
Last modified 23.03.2024

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