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Downloads and links for accessible university teaching. Crreating accessible documents, presentations, online confeerences

h t t p s : / / t u - d r e s d e n . d e / t u - d r e s d e n / u n i v e r s i t a e t s k u l t u r / d i v e r s i t a e t - i n k l u s i o n / a g s b s / d o k u m e n t eExterner Link

The service unit for students with disabilities at Dresden university has compiled manuals for creating accessible documents, spreadsheets, video conferences, available in German and English. The idea is to facilitate the inclusion of people with disabilities in university learning and teaching.


higher education, University teacher, Inclusion, Online service,

Language German; English
Contact Lehrstuhl für Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, TU Dresden
Last modified 26.04.2021

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