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IBE Study: Zoom fatigue

h t t p s : / / w w w . i b e - l u d w i g s h a f e n . d e / f i l e a d m i n / i b e / M e d i e n / P u b l i k a t i o n e n / Z U J - A r t i k e l - Z o o m - F a t i g u e . p d fExterner Link

Zoom fatigue describes the fatigue that occurs after numerous virtual meetings during the day and over the week. Many go so far as describing exhaustion. The Institute for Employment and Employability IBE has been studying this phenomenon and conducted a survey in early September 2020.
The timing was deliberately selected because, in view of the COVID-19 crisis, virtual working environments with virtual communication and teamworking have been part of everyday life for many employees .  (pdf-document, 3 p., 2020)




Language German; English
Contact Jutta Rump, Marc Brandt, E-Mail:
Last modified 25.07.2023

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