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Economics Dictionary of Arguments

h t t p s : / / w w w . p h i l o s o p h i e - w i s s e n s c h a f t - k o n t r o v e r s e n . d e / l i s t e n a n s i c h t _ w i r t s c h a f t _ p o l i t i k . p h pExterner Link

The Economics Dictionary of Arguments is the English version of the Wirtschaft Lexikon der Argumente. It is a reference work and at the same time an overview of theories and controversies in economics. It offers synopses in tabular form, explanations of terms, and a search function that makes counterarguments systematically findable. The level of difficulty goes from definitions that facilitate understanding to discussion between researchers. The site is non-commercial and free of advertising.


Lexicon, Politics, Theory, Environment, Economy,

Language German; English
Contact Martin Schulz;
Last modified 16.01.2024

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