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Better Internet for Kids: COVID-19 resources for Germany

h t t p s : / / w w w . b e t t e r i n t e r n e t f o r k i d s . e u / p r a c t i c e / a w a r e n e s s / a r t i c l e ? i d = 5 9 0 1 2 5 6Externer Link

In spring 2020, the  Covid-19 pandemic caused school closures across Europe. The Better Internet for Kids project presents country-specific information, e.g. for Germany, on data privacy and a safe use of homework apps, streaming and other online services for childrren. It moreover informs about Social Media use by kids,  and counselling and support for children's mental health - also with a  hotline service.


Germany, Digitalization, Online service,

Language English
Contact Better Internet for Kids contact form:
Last modified 12.04.2021

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