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How babies grow up – short movies for parents

h t t p s : / / w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / p l a y l i s t ? l i s t = P L V 4 h U J Q R S d N K o U t a l r E P t R 8 E l q H e 7 l M j -Externer Link

"How babies grow up" – 16 short movies for young parents. What to do when my baby cries? How does breastfeeding work out? How do I find the right day-care for my child? The movies focus on these questions and other ones from young parents. They examine the ups and downs of everyday life. From the little newborn child to the self-determined kindergartner.


parents, Advice for parents, Nutrition, Siblings, Infant, Personality development, Sleep, Playing, Language acquisition,

Language German; English; French; Russian; Turkish; Arabic
Contact Arbeitskreis Neue Erziehung e.V.
Last modified 06.08.2020

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