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Bologna Digital 2020 - White Paper on the Digitalisation in the Higher Education Area

h t t p s : / / h o c h s c h u l f o r u m d i g i t a l i s i e r u n g . d e / s i t e s / d e f a u l t / f i l e s / d a t e i e n / 2 0 1 9 - 0 5 _ W h i t e _ P a p e r _ B o l o g n a _ D i g i t a l _ 2 0 2 0 . p d fExterner Link

Bologna Digital 2020 - White Paper on digitisation in the Higher Education Area, issued May 2019


Germany, Europe, Digitalization, European educational area, University level of education, higher education, Position Papers,

Language English
Contact Rampelt, Florian; Orr, Dominic; Knoth, Alexander
Last modified 06.08.2020

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