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DAAD: Profildaten zur Internationalität deutscher Hochschulen

h t t p s : / / w w w . d a a d . d e / d e / d e r - d a a d / w a s - w i r - t u n / f o r t b i l d u n g - e x p e r t i s e - u n d - b e r a t u n g / a n a l y s e n - s t u d i e n / p r o f i l d a t e n - i n t e r n a t i o n a l i t a e t - d e u t s c h e r - h o c h s c h u l e n /Externer Link

University cooperation in science is currently facing major challenges due to great-scale political changes. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is expanding its advisory services for universities in the successful establishment and expansion of scientific cooperation worldwide: The new "DAAD Competence Centre for International Science Cooperation" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA). (Source: DAAD, edited author DIPF)


Germany, Europe, Counselling, Counseling center, Intercollegiate cooperation, University policy,

Language German
Last modified 28.06.2022

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