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University World News - New higher education literacies for a sustainable future

h t t p s : / / w w w . u n i v e r s i t y w o r l d n e w s . c o m / p o s t . p h p ? s t o r y = 2 0 1 9 1 0 1 7 1 2 0 3 1 7 5 2 1Externer Link

"As societies become more complex – economically, socially, technologically and otherwise – so must their educational systems. (...) Thus, we must now move from a diverse educational system to a more inclusive and equitable educational system based on democratic and rights-based principles, which is illustrated by the following rights-based educational model." Authors Patrick Blessinger, Enakshi Sengupta and Madla Makhanya give an outlook on the transformation of educational systems globally and depict what literacies are necessary to succeed in the 21th century, article of University World News Global from October 19 2019.



Education, Educational policy, Education system, Interdisciplinary instruction, Justice, Globalization, Internationalization, Human rights, Sustainable development, Sustainability, Problem-oriented teaching, Law, Future orientation, Perspective Taking, Literacy, Sustainability, Education,

Language English
Last modified 29.10.2019

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