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Germany facilitates immigration of skilled non-EU workforce

h t t p s : / / w w w . d e u t s c h l a n d . d e / e n / t o p i c / b u s i n e s s / t h e - s k i l l e d - l a b o u r - i m m i g r a t i o n - a c t - w o r k i n g - i n - g e r m a n yExterner Link

Germany is facing a shortage of skilled workers in some areas, e.g. IT professions, nursing and care. Against this background, the German parliament has passed an act which is to facilitate access to the German labour market for non-EU citizens. The article informs about the projected regulations: whom does this concern? Applicants with a university degree or recognised qualification in a profession can find further information and guidance via this website.


Germany, Labor market, Application, University graduate,

Language German; English
Contact Zech, Tanja
Last modified 22.06.2022

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