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Horizon Report 2019

h t t p s : / / l i b r a r y . e d u c a u s e . e d u / - / m e d i a / f i l e s / l i b r a r y / 2 0 1 9 / 4 / 2 0 1 9 h o r i z o n r e p o r t . p d fExterner Link

The horizon report 2019 profiles six key trends, six significant challenges, and six developments in educational technology for higher education. These three sections of this report constitute a reference and technology planning guide for educators, higher education leaders, administrators, policymakers, and technologists. (PDF-document, 44 p., 2019)


Germany, United States of America, New media, Digitalization, University level of education, University development,

Language English
Last modified 29.04.2019

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