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Information on child daycare

h t t p s : / / k i t a - e i n s t i e g . f r u e h e - c h a n c e n . d e / f i l e a d m i n / P D F / K i t a - E i n s t i e g / W a s _ i s t _ K i t a _ F l y e r _ f i n a l _ E n g l i s c h . p d fExterner Link

From its first birthday until school entry, every child has the right to attend a kindergarten or be looked after by a childminder. This flyer offers information on child daycare in Germany for parents.


Germany, parents, Advice for parents, Day nursery, Migration background,

Language German; English; French; Russian; Turkish; Arabic; Bulgarian; Kurdish; Persian; Romanian; Dari
Contact Frühe Chancen;
Last modified 04.04.2019

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