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Ma.t.che.s. - Make the chemistry sexy

h t t p s : / / m a t c h e s 2 0 1 7 . j i m d o . c o m /Externer Link

Ma.t.che.s. is a project funded by the European Commission in line of the ERASMUS+ program. Its main aim is to raise the atractivity of chemistry lessons in school. There is material for chemistry lessons available to download from the hompage for free use (several actions, work-sheets and games), most of them in six languages (German, English, Spain, Polish, Turkish, Greek).


Worksheet, Chemistry, Teaching of Chemistry, Project method, Playing,

Language German; English; Spanish; Turkish; Greek; Polish
Contact Lars Moser; Ömer Namlika; Salvador Martí Recasens; Zoe Milka; Anastasia Iska; Hanna Kozakiewicz; Ewa Bułatowicz
Last modified 20.08.2018

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