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Open your heart: Learn German with Deutsche Welle

h t t p s : / / w b - w e b . d e / m a t e r i a l / l e h r e n - l e r n e n / m a c h - d e i n - h e r z - a u f . h t m l Externer Link

The German broadcasting house Deutsche Welle offers a website for newly arrived young people, particularly refugees, who need to learn about Germany and the German language. The multimedia site offers access to audiofiles for learning German, information about preparing for work, 'Germany for beginners', and a German language section for (voluntary) support workers.


Germany, German as a foreign language, Refugee, Helper, Culture, Cultural education,

Language German; English; Arabic
Contact Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung
Last modified 17.09.2024

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