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Research Cluster on Language Education and Multilingualism

h t t p s : / / w w w . m e h r s p r a c h i g k e i t . u n i - h a m b u r g . d eExterner Link

Due to factors such as globalisation, the increase in migration and mobility, and dynamic changes in the media, encounters with multilingualism are a part of everyday life for many people. The ability to communicate in several languages is increasingly important for personal and professional participation in society. For this reason, the individual facilitation of multilingual competences and the establishment of favourable conditions for multilingualism is important for education. Activities include the implementation of language surveys and the investigation into the development of multilingualism in children and young adults in the context of family, educational institutions, and informal learning situations. The goal is to determine which language biographies, learning settings, language education programmes and language learning strategies have favourable or unfavourable effects on the successful development of multilingualism. The results will be used to draw recommendations for educational policy and practice. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has provided funding for twelve projects within the research cluster, beginning in 2013. The projects are supported by the Coordination Office for Multilingualism and Language Education (Koordinierungstelle für Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachliche Bildung/KoMBi).


Educational policy, Educational practices, Empirical research, Fundamental concepts, Multilingualism, Linguistic input, Language learning, Language development, Strategy,

Language German; English; Russian; Italian; Turkish
Contact Koordinierungsstelle Mehrsprachigkeit und Sprachliche Bildung, Universität Hamburg, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ingrid Gogolin
Last modified 13.03.2023

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