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German language guide for refugees

h t t p s : / / f l u e c h t l i n g s h i l f e - m u e n c h e n . d e / w p - c o n t e n t / u p l o a d s / 2 0 1 5 / 0 8 / F l u e c h t l i n g s h i l f e _ D e u t s c h h e f t . p d fExterner Link

The charitable Munich refugee aid offers a brochure introducing newly arrived immigrants to first steps in German, in eight languages sucha s Farsi, Somali, and Arabic.


Refugee, German language teaching, German as second language, Basic vocabulary, Instructional Materials, Advance organizers,

Language German; English; French; Arabic; Persian; Tigrinya; Dari; Somali
Contact Flüchtlingshilfe München
Last modified 20.04.2016

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