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Training regulations and how they come about (brochure)

h t t p s : / / w w w . b i b b . d e / d i e n s t / v e r o e f f e n t l i c h u n g e n / e n / p u b l i c a t i o n / s h o w / 7 3 2 4Externer Link

This brochure provides information on a unique procedure for the development of training regulations. The arrangements form the basis for initial training in the dual system, in which many young people in Germany begin their vocational qualification. This procedure has the great advantage that its results are fully accepted by training practice. It involves those affected – employers organisations for the enterprises and trade unions for workers – in all important decisions about the content, objectives, duration and requirements of training. How does this procedure operate? Experts from training practice develop the outlines of the new training regulations together with the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and harmonise them with the draft framework curricula in consultation with experts from the vocational schools. Employers and trade unions promote the new training regulations in the enterprises and the Federal Government gives them the force of law.


Germany, Vocational Education, Vocational education and training,

Language English
Contact Bundesinstitut für Berufliche Bildung (BIBB), Federal Institute of Vocational Education
Last modified 15.07.2020

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