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Recognition (of foreign qualifications) in Germany

h t t p s : / / w w w . a n e r k e n n u n g - i n - d e u t s c h l a n d . d e / h t m l / e n / i n d e x . p h pExterner Link

As of April 1, 2012, a legal act for the recognition of foreign qualifications came into force in Germany. “Recognition in Germany“ is a new information portal regarding the German government`s Recognition Act. This portal provides up-to-date information on the legal basis and procedure for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. If you would like to have a professional qualification that you acquired abroad recognized in Germany, you can use this portal to find a competent body and local contact centres.


Foreign countries, Vocational Education, Counselling, Occupational qualification, Occupational qualification, Vocational education and training, Educational attainment, Education system, Academic degree, Qualification, Legal basis, Academic studies,

Language German; English; French; Spanish; Russian; Italian; Turkish; Arabic; Greek; Polish; Romanian
Contact Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung BIBB;
Last modified 29.04.2019

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