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Germany: Arts and cultural education

h t t p s : / / w w w . c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s . n e t / d a t a b a s e / s e a r c h - b y - c o u n t r y / c o u n t r y - p r o f i l e / ? i d = 1 5Externer Link

As part of the German contribution to the compendium on “Cultural Policy and Trends in Europe” – edited by the Council of Europe -, this article pinpoints institutional responsibilities in the field of arts education in Germany, current trends in funding and networking of formal and non-formal provisions in the field. Furthermore, professional training in arts subjects is outlined and the federal nature of the education system in Germany is considered


Germany, Educational policy, Adult education, Culture, Cultural education, Promotion of culture, Cultural policy,

Language German; English; French
Contact Wagner, Bernd
Last modified 09.01.2020

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