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Federal Office for Migration and Refugees - Education

h t t p s : / / w w w . b a m f . d e / E N / T h e m e n / M i g r a t i o n A u f e n t h a l t / Z u w a n d e r e r D r i t t s t a a t e n / B i l d u n g / b i l d u n g - n o d e . h t m lExterner Link

English language information on education in Germany (school system, early childhood education and care, vocational education/adult learning) focusing on practical guidance for immigrants, e.g. multilingual day-careinstitutions, language promotion in kindergarten, teacher qualifications for immigrants, further training.


Vocational Education, Education, Early childhood education, University level of education, Migrant woman, School level of education, Professional Continuing Education,

Language German; English
Contact Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, E-Mail:
Last modified 16.01.2020

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