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From exclusion to inclusion: Barriers and possibilities in relation to disabled learning

h t t p : / / b i d o k . u i b k . a c . a t / l i b r a r y / b a r t o n - i n c l u s i o n . h t m lExterner Link

This paper will critically consider some of the key aspects of the nature of exclusion and inclusion in relation to disabled learners. Priority will be given to insights from cross-cultural work and the voices of disabled people and their organisations. The paper is set within a wider global dimension and will endeavour to raise questions and encourage further explorations. Drawing on research evidence and discussions, current developments with regard to inclusion will be highlighted as well as the seriousness and extent of the changes that still need to be achieved.


Inclusion, Handicapped, Learning handicap, Social exclusion,

Language English
Contact Barton, Len
Last modified 07.05.2009

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