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Social Security at a Glance - as of 2020

h t t p s : / / w w w . b m a s . d e / S h a r e d D o c s / D o w n l o a d s / D E / P D F - P u b l i k a t i o n e n / a 9 9 8 - s o c i a l - s e c u r i t y - a t - a - g l a n c e - t o t a l - s u m m a r y . p d f ? _ _ b l o b = p u b l i c a t i o n F i l eExterner Link

The brochure gives a comprehensive overview of the Social Security system in the Federal Republic of Germany. Contents include pension, health, long-term care and occupational accident insurance schemes as well as the fields of promotion of employment, labour law and educational assistance, rehabilitation of disabled persons, housing allowance and social assistance. This brochure is the English summary of an originally  German document.;.


Germany, Basic minimum floor of income, Allowance per minor child, Protection against dismissal, Social system, Social policy, Social welfare state, Social insurance, Germany,

Language German; English
Contact Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS), Kontakt:
Last modified 17.08.2021

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